Thursday, June 18, 2009

I will finally Stop putting this off!!!

I Finally made the call to set up an appointment for the tests we need done to find out if we will or will not try for another baby! I have been putting this off for... well really since Landon was diagnosed with Trisomy 22 (DiGeorge Syndrome)! I did make the call but they are out of the office until Monday!
Now it is not the test itself that makes me so nervous because I believe it is a simple Blood test. But it is the part of possibly finding out that either Harold or I have DiGeorge Syndrome and never knew it. Now the chances of that are slim, but I have met a few people over the internet who also have Children with DiGeorge and one lady and her husband just found out that he had DiGeorge. For those who don't know DiGeorge or trisomy 22 or VCFS has like 180 different symptoms, problems that can range anywhere from severe mental defects, heart defects, to not even knowing you have it. It mostly affects the Thymus Gland which controls your immune system. They tell me that in 90% of the cases it just happens, but it is that 10% that really worries me. If neither Harold or I have it, there is still a chance that it could be a defect in my eggs and that is the part they don't really want to test, they know there are some good ones because MaKenzie was a good egg (that makes me laugh now) so if they take an egg to test and it is fine then it would just be a waste of a good egg!
So I guess I will wait for their call on Monday and we will go from there! It will be the deciding factor in wheter or not we try for another little blessing!
So please throw in a little prayer for us!